Guess who's my new lap pig??
Skitterbug!!!!!! Isn't she a cutie-pie?? As long as I cover her with her blanket/towel she is content! I suspected she might like to have a hidey-place when we're chillin', and sure enough when I covered her up she started rustling around and getting comfy. After she sneaks her little face out to grab carrot bits, she settles down and rests her head and has a little pig-nap. We've hung out almost every evening for the past week and a half or so! believe it or not, my most skittish piggie is my most favorite to hold! I think the cave-ness (cavy-ness, nyuk nyuk!) helps her feel less threatened, so it's easier for me to wrangle her - I can just kind of scoop her up, no more fretty squirting around! :D