Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday PigJam... and Troggle

...not in that order.

Usually their eyes are super-dark glassy beadiness, but I'm no pro with a camera and so their eyes look red.  They really aren't evil, I swear!

Look how shiny and healthy their coats are!  Especially super-smooth HedgePiggle...  I also love Snuffle's silly bi-color tocks!
Poor Skitterbug is stuck in the middle.  She's my little marshmallow, sandwiched between Troggle and Hedge... Pig-S'mores?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Two exits just aren't enough

A couple nights ago we heard alarmed squeaks - higher in pitch than squeaky greed, these squeaks were of one panicky pig.  After listening for awhile we went out to investigate and this is what we found:
Snuffle trapped herself in the Ritz cracker dispenser box!  She couldn't back out because of Troggle, who prodded her in the bum every so often.  Every time Troggle nudged her with her nose Snuffle would start squeaking again.
Finally we drove Troggle away and poured Snuffle out of the box.


Sadly, but not surprisingly, pigs are dumb and this happened to Snuffle another couple of times.  I missed one time but here is the latest entrapment:

Note how Skitter is lurking in the back while Troggle is just chillin'.  Nobody's blocking Snuffle in but she can't figure out how to get out.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Because, why the hell not

A porto-potty on a nice mountain trail in Snowmass Village, Colorado.  I guess there was construction going on, but not immediately nearby.  I have therefore fulfilled your randomness quota for today.

Enh! Ehn!

Totally shameless

The pigs chomp at the bars for food.  If we whistle they run up and stand up with their tiny toes on the bars.  You can see the noses waiting for yummy treats

After an absence, the pigs are back online!

Here is Skitterbug, giving me the evil-eye for not bringing her any treats. I like how you can see her black nostril and funny lower lip.

On another note, a Skitterbug biographer had this to say:

This is the only known photo to exist of skitterbug aka sammy the knife el piggo. having committed his first murder at the age of 15, sammy the knife is a classic example of a sociopathic entity. he feels no remorse, or joy when he attacks his victims and has been quoted as saying "i only feel alive when they know they are going to die." this photo was taken during Carnival 2008 in Brasilia, Brazil where local CIA operatives believe skitterbug was trafficing illegal guinea pigs to peru as food. he should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. do not try to apprehend this individual by yourself. Instead contact the local law enforcement agency or military. a reward of 1 million dollars is offered for any information leading to an arrest of skitterbug.

Too bad the real reward is one baby carrot, otherwise I'd be in the money! What does it say about my affection for the pigs that I'd give my plumpy up for a million dollars?

I guess it means that even piggies have a price! :)